Savings account- tailored for business people. NO limit on deposits and withdrawals

Group Account – Designed for organised groups e.g. women groups, youth groups, welfares etc

Boda Boda Account- Designed to provide savings to all BodaBOda operators

Joint Account- Tailored for people who want to operate jointly

Fixed Deposits Account- Targets members who want to put money aside for investment. Minimum period of three months

Junior Account- Tailored for children under the age of 18 to help plan the future of the child and for school fees

Institution Account- For Schools, Churches, Hospitals, and other co-operative societies
F.O.S.A loans
- Biashara loan- For those who want to expand or start a business
- Payslip Loan- for salaried employees, three months payslip and bank statement for 6 months
- Asset finance loan- For purchase of assets eg. motor vehicle, land, e.t.c